Friday, November 13, 2009

Affiliate Marketing is NOT Rocket Science!

Affiliate marketing is not rocket science or brain surgery. Far from it. You don't need an MBA in business or computer science to succeed in online affiliate marketing.

What you DO need is a burning desire to become your own boss (or make tons of extra cash) and a HUGH amount of motivation. Always remember...STAY FOCUSED...find someone who's style of teaching you like, buy their product or program and learn from them.

Don't jump around from one thing and then to another. The successful marketers kept at it until they mastered a technique, were making good money and then branched out to other methods.  You will never be successful hopping from one program to another. You will only be making the other guy  rich and not yourself.

Don't be afraid to fail. Fear of failing and not getting started is the #1 reason most people never succeed at affiliate marketing. Remember it's not rocket science. Every successful person in the world has had failures.
They just never let that stop them from trying again. They never gave up. So Don't Give Up!

All my Best

With that said today we will take a look a 2 easy to duplicate systems. These systems are copy and paste type programs.

The Lazy Cash Formula has videos walking you through the entire program. They help you get everything set up and give you everything you need to start making money online. All you need to be able to do is copy and paste... that's it. It's perfect if you don't have a lot of time or money but need to make money quickly.

With this program you'll need is a Click Bank Affiliate account which is free to join and an Adwords account which is also free to join. I have personally tried this program and found it very easy to use. I just got started with it so my results are not great yet. I think with some refining of the keywords, which you can also do for free with Google tools, I can make them perform much better. At this writing there are 23 campaigns to copy.

Our next product review is:

Copy N Profit is just as the name would imply. A copy and paste program geared to the person with no list, no website and no product to sell. As of this writing there are over 37 campaigns for you to copy and paste and start advertising. They also have training videos that walk you through the entire process from start to finish. As with Lazy Cash we are just starting to use this program. The advantage to this program is the ad creation software. Once you have ran a few successful campaigns you can get your feet wet creating your own ads with the keywords of your choice.
We have found this program to be a little meatier in that there are more campaigns to choose from and with the addition of the ad creation software this program may give you more flexibility in the future. But again the Lazy Cash system adds more campaigns all the time so the number of campaigns may not be the best factor to sway a decision.

Overall our choice for the best program for the ultimate beginner is: CopyNProfit