Friday, December 4, 2009

This weeks reviews MSS vs Lazy Cash

Hi Everyone, 

This week I'm reviewing two marketing systems that I have personally used and I can say they are two very different beasts. While one is a very large compilation of PDFs, audios and videos from Jonny Andrews a well known online marketer , the other is basically a one time fee membership site, also from a famous marketer, Joel Johnson.

The first is the "Money Siphon System" by Jonny Andrews.
This (at the time I purchased it) is a mega pack of info. Jonny has since reworked some aspects of the product and is giving away some of the videos previously included. Anyway, unless you have lots of time on your hands to spend reading and listening to mp3s you may find this product too much. However, you will be missing a lot of good, quality, current information if you pass this by.

The PDFs include:
* Free Money Siphon
* Money Now Siphon
* Secret siphon
* Paid Forever Siphon
* Zero-Selling-System parts 1 & 2
* Sell without Selling Transcripts
Plus two or three more PDFs

The MP3s include interviews with:

* Charlie Page of Directory of Ezines fame
* Ewen Chia, a well known and respected Asian marketer
* Emil of PPC Bully
* Jason James and a Welcome mp3 along with a couple of others.

This product may take you a while to get through it if you try to do it all at once.  If you take it in a more orderly fashion, such as,  listen to the welcome mp3 and read the free money PDF first you will be able to manage it much better.

Don't just read it and forget it. You will need to follow the lessons Jonny is trying to teach you so you too can become a profitable marketer. You can check it out for yourself and watch the video to see if it's right for you.

Check out The Money Siphon System, you'll be glad you did.

Our next review is for Lazy Cash Formula

The Lazy Cash Formula is a site you can access that has Google Adwords ads already written as well as keywords for various products in Clickbank. All you have to do is copy the ads, bid on the keywords and you're in business. Now I found some of the keywords were no quite keyed to the ads so you may need to tweek these. All in all this is a low cost, easy to use site with all of the work done for you. There are currently 23 campaigns on this site you can copy and paste to get started with a ppc campaign of your own.

This site has several videos for you to watch to help you step by step and get you started. all in all this is a very simple, easy to copy system.

Check out the Lazy Cash Formula and see if it's right for you.

I really can't say which one of these products is actually better than the other. Since they are both so different it depends on your level of skill and knowledge. If you want something so easy anyone can use it than you need the Lazy Cash Formula, you could be running ads in just a couple of hours even if you watched all of the videos.
With the Money Siphon System, you will need to take some time to read a couple of PDFs and listen to the welcome mp3 but you can also be marketing the same day. It all depends on you and how much work you want to put into online marketing.

Next week I'll be posting some articles since I'm currently testing some other products and need more time to get results worth reporting on.

Until then all my best.